Spring has finally sprung, and I want my house to look great so I can have friends over and truly enjoy my space. So what do I need to do?  Well, I want my garden to look awesome so off to the garden center I go to find some perennials for the garden and some annuals to hang or to put in a garden near my patio. Then I get to do the fun part, planting!  Then I need to put down lots of mulch to help prevent weeds and besides looks great and smells great too.  

Now I just have to remind my kids to mow the lawn, put down seed in the areas that need more and then we get to use our big tractor with a pull behind to aerate the lawn so seeds can grow.  And of course fertilize. Put down a weed preventer if possible, but ensure if you put down seed that it will be ok.  Now I just need to water but I need to check what the towns watering restrictions are since many have them starting in May. 

Rent a tiller and get my vegetable garden started so I can enjoy in July and August.  Voila I am ready to have people over and enjoy a BBQ!